Home Columnist Exposing the hypocrisy of Buhari’s Presidency – Reno Omokri

Exposing the hypocrisy of Buhari’s Presidency – Reno Omokri


I have just read a statement by the Presidency accusing the Senate President, Senator Bukola Saraki, of hypocrisy for disparaging President Muhammadu Buhari, who Mr Saraki called visionless.

That President Buhari is visionless is not debatable. It is an international fact. We are all witness to the publication by the Financial Times of London, which revealed that after meeting President Buhari, US President Donald Trump said: “I never wanted to meet someone so lifeless again”. President Buhari’s visionless-ness is evident in the fact that even one of the world’s richest men, Bill Gates, looked President Buhari in the eye and told him right there at the Presidential Villa that “your economic blueprint does not address Nigerian’s needs”.

Even the President’s wife, Aisha Buhari, has borne witness of the President’s visionless-ness when she said “He is yet to tell me if he’ll seek re-election, but I have decided as his wife, that if things continue like this up to 2019, I will not go out and campaign again and ask any woman to vote like I did before”.

Evidence of President Buhari’s visionless-abounds. Under him, Nigeria became the world’s headquarters for extreme poverty as published by the World Poverty Clock, the World Economic Forum and British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Moreover, just three days ago, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation published that young by the current trajectory, if nothing changes, 30% of the world’s extremely poor people will be in Nigeria by the year 2050.

Ironically, the statement lambasting Senate President Bukola Saraki, was signed by Garba Shehu, President Buhari’s spokesman. How can Garba Shehu attack Bukola Saraki for once supporting Buhari in 2015 and now saying that Buhari lacks vision in 2010?

Did Garba Shehu not condemn Muhammadu Buhari while he was Special Assistant on Media at the Presidency during former President Obasanjo’s Peoples Democratic Party government? Evidence abounds. Does Garba Shehu deny this?

The Presidency’s statement is nothing less than a case of the pot calling kettle black.


Reno Omokri Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years, and other books. Avid traveller. Tormentor of the APC.

Culled from Vanguard



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